Better Powerpoint support
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Arvid Nyström
I would like to mark this one as done, but it's still getting more votes. "Better support" is a rather vague request, so if either one of you who have voted for this might have any more concrete suggestions (apart from the notes on Stage View), I'd appreciate if you would tell me - otherwise I think I'll go ahead an close this one anyways and hopefully someone else will start a new vote for the feature they are looking for.
I would also like to have the Powerpoint notes displayed in the stage view. Thanks.
Michael Berry
Hi TerriS, probably best to write this as a separate suggestion, since we'll probably close this as completed once 2016.2 is launched!
This post was marked as
in progress
Arvid Nyström
It's currently in development and will hopefully be available in Quelea 2016.2.
Ben Goodwin
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